Reality Vs Imagination.

Feelings a word full of emotions but can’t express in words .. Feelings can be in the form of love , care , respect anything . When we genuinely feel for someone, sometimes it is really hurting but not more than our own imagination.. The problem is we don’t have any control over our feelingsContinue reading “Reality Vs Imagination.”

Blaming others won’t Work..

Sometime life seems so unfair, unpredictable, you never know what gonna happen within few minutes..Its strange how easily these words explain our life, though these are just words but the emotions with these words explains everything.. Why sometimes it seems that Life is so unfair? OR we make it unfair ? These are the twoContinue reading “Blaming others won’t Work..”

Blaming others won’t Work..

Sometime life seems so unfair, unpredictable, you never know what gonna happen within few minutes..Its strange how easily these words explain our life, though these are just words but the emotions with these words explains everything.. Why sometimes it seems that Life is so unfair? OR we make it unfair ? These are the twoContinue reading “Blaming others won’t Work..”

Does Life give us a second chance..?

I think this the most asking ques of most of us .. Is it true ? But you know what i think life give us that second chance in the form of opportunity , person or in any form but it give us that chance which we ignore because we’re still regretting for that firstContinue reading “Does Life give us a second chance..?”

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